Privacy Policy

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All personal information will be handled confidentially. Our data protection practice is in line with the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). Below we inform you about the details of data protection: Responsible in the sense of the GDPR and the BDSG to those responsible within the meaning of Art. 4 Para. 7 GDPR please refer to our imprint. You can reach our imprint by clicking the "Imprint" button. The reasons for data acquisition We capture and process your data for providing our website and to give you the best possible service through easy access to our services. Which data are recorded, processed or used? Visit our website If you access our websites, our servers automatically record information in general, in particular for the purpose of connecting, functionality and system security. This includes the type of browser used, the operating system used, the domain name of the Internet service provider, the connection data of the computer used (IP address), the website from which you visit us (referrer URL), the pages, that you visit with us and the date and duration of the visit. Conclusions from this data to certain people are not possible for us due to pseudonymization. This data is not merged with other data sources. Deletion Personal data is deleted or blocked as soon as the purpose of the storage is no longer necessary or if you request deletion. The data also deleted if a storage period required by a standard runs, unless there is a necessity to further store the data for a contract or contract fulfillment or that you have given your consent in this regard. Cookies So that the use of the websites and preferences of website visitors can be made attractive, cookies are used. This saves, for example, your information for the selection of a language. Cookies are text files that are created on your hard drive to enable the browser to identify the website again. You can prevent the storage of cookies on your hard drive by making corresponding browser settings. Cookies that have already been set can be deleted at any time. How to delete cookies or prevent their storage can be found in the respective browser guide. If you do not accept cookies, this can lead to an impairment when using our website. The legal basis for the processing of cookies is Art. 6 Para. 1 lit. f) GDPR data security We ensure our website and other systems through technical and organizational measures against loss, destruction, access, change or distribution of your data by unauthorized persons. The data is transmitted depending on the browser used with a 128 bit to 256 bit SSL encryption. Despite regular controls and constant improvement in our security measures, full protection against all dangers is not possible. Rights of the data subject will be processed personal data by you, you are affected i. S. d. GDPR and the following rights are entitled to the person responsible: Right of information You can request a confirmation from the person responsible for whether personal data that you affect are processed by us. If such processing is available, you can request information from the person responsible for the following information: the purposes for which the personal data is processed; the categories of personal data that are processed; the recipients or the categories of recipients, compared to the personal data relating to them have been disclosed or are still disclosed; the planned duration of the storage of the personal data relating to you or, if specific information is not possible, criteria for determining the storage period; the existence of a right to correct or delete the personal data relating to it, a right to restrict the processing by the person responsible or a right to object against this processing; the existence of a right to complain to a supervisory authority; all available information about the origin of the data if the personal data is not collected from the data subject; Right to correction.